Important News from the Executive Director

PHAME executive director Jenny Stadler posing with two students.

Dear PHAME Community,

It is with a mixture of gratitude, pride, and a heavy heart that I announce my resignation as the Executive Director of PHAME Academy, effective September 4, 2024.

Serving as the Executive Director of this fantastic organization for the past seven years has been the most fulfilling experience of my professional career. In this time, I’ve watched us grow our education program, expand our partnerships across the community, strengthen our financial position, make amazing art, and weather a global pandemic with flying colors. These accomplishments have been a collective effort, and I am deeply grateful for the support, dedication, and passion of our talented staff, students, and community.

My decision to resign has not been an easy one. I’m stepping down in large part because of complications due to long Covid, and the need to give my body an extended rest in order to fully recover.  After thirteen years total as an Executive Director, I’m looking forward to whatever my next professional work will be, but I’m also planning to take the next several months to focus on my health.

With new initiatives, fantastic partnerships and a potential new building, it’s an exciting time for PHAME Academy. I am confident that the organization will thrive thanks to our amazing staff and board and I’m excited for the fresh vision and energy that new leadership can bring. Chrissy McNair, our board chair, will be stepping in as interim Executive Director while the board starts a search for a new Executive Director. Chrissy has a long history of organizational management, disability work, fundraising and strategic planning, and has a deep love for our organization. With Chrissy, alongside our incredibly talented and compassionate staff, PHAME is in great hands. 

To PHAME’s board of directors, I want to express my deepest appreciation for your unwavering support throughout my tenure, and through this decision. Your commitment to our mission has been essential to PHAME’s success.

To the staff and students, your hard work, creativity, and resilience have been the backbone of this organization. It has been an honor to work alongside such a dedicated and passionate group of individuals. I have no doubt that you will continue to be a model for what inclusion and access in the arts truly can be. Keep making amazing art!

To our supporters and community partners, your belief in PHAME’s work, your open doors, and your generosity have empowered us to create meaningful change. Thank you for standing with us and celebrating with us. I am grateful for your continued partnership and support of this amazing organization through the transition.

I am committed to ensuring a seamless transition and will work closely with the board and interim leadership during this period. My departure does not signify an end to my support for PHAME, and I hope to take some time both before and after my departure date to connect with our supporters and introduce them to Chrissy. Truly, I will be a PHAME fan for life.

Thank you for the opportunity to be part of this incredible community.

With gratitude,


Jenny R. Stadler, Ph.D.
Executive Director

Anya Roberts