It's Like Being a Team: A letter from PHAME student Kimberly Forrer

Woman with long golden hair smiling widely. She wears a pink hoodie over a pink top and appear in front of a wooden window with diagonal cross pieces.

I sang in high school and junior high.  I always knew that I wanted to keep singing.

I love singing.  Singing with a group is the best—and I love singing at PHAME.

It’s like being a team.

I’ve been involved with PHAME since 1997.  Back when I graduated from high school, there were even fewer opportunities for adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities than there are now. 

I was living at home still before I started at PHAME.  I was lonely.  All I did was go to work.  That being the only thing I really did was very boring.  People with disabilities deserve the chance to do what we love, just like anyone else—lucky for me, there was PHAME.

Your support is why PHAME is here.  PHAME has changed my life in so many ways—and none of them are more important than finally having a place where I have fun with my friends.

At first, PHAME was scary because I didn’t know what to expect, I didn’t know anybody.  But then I became friends with everybody at PHAME. 

The first show I did was Hello Dolly.  It was scary at first being onstage, because I had never done it.  But I loved the music and I had a big pretty, pink dress, a ballgown, that was really fun to wear.  And then I got to know Pat.  I met him in the show.  Me and Pat go way back.

And then I was Marian in Music Man, and Estin and I starred opposite each other.  Me and Estin are still friends to this day.

Your contribution means that the most important things in life—friendships, joy—are here for people with developmental disabilities.  Your support makes a difference.  I hope you’ll make your contribution right now.

At PHAME, we’re all there to support each other.  And it feels awesome. 

I used to wish all parts of my life were like that—and now, I think my life is kind of like that.  Because now I have even more than PHAME, my work, and my family.  I sing outside of PHAME too.  I’m a swimmer for Special Olympics.  I love to bake.  I do needlework.

Even with a busy life, there’s something that’s unique about performing.  I feel accomplished. 

It’s given me the confidence to do so many new things.  And with everything I’m doing, Spring Term has gone by fast.

I’m excited for our next performance.  Sometimes I still get nervous, but not too often.  It’s fun.  And my friends are here with me.

I hope you’ll be with me too.  Your support, and you being part of our community, makes a difference.  Please make your contribution today.


Kimberly Michelle Forrer
PHAME Student

P.S.  Singing with my friends at PHAME is like being on the best team.  Your support makes it possible.  You can click here to donate or call (503) 764-9718 to make your gift.  Please make a difference right now.

Anya Roberts