Man with dark hair and glasses in front of a bright green background. He wears an expression of surprise and makes an o-shape with his mouth.

Lucas Salazar

Teaching Artist


Lucas (he/him) has been either acting or in the classroom for the majority of his life. So PHAME is a great fit! Majoring in Theatre at the University of Iowa brought Lucas to a life of traveling with physical theatre companies, clowning and stilt-walking with circuses in Los Angeles, performing on stage and screen across the world and creating content both sweet as pie and bizarre as fever dreams for radio, television and the classroom. 

Through Shady Pines Radio, Lucas has produced hundreds of radio shows incorporating character work, storytelling, comedy, drama and an ocean of experimental A/V play. With Kickstand Comedy and Curious Comedy, he has been blessed with opportunities to learn and teach improvisation and acting with children and adults of all different walks of life in Portland. And through Banyan Global Learning, Lucas has taken his theatrical inclinations and turned them into music videos, interactive phonics programs and lively classroom engagement for nearly a decade. With empathy, curiosity, compassion and a sense of humor, we can make real waves of change. Lucas is excited to bring everything he can to PHAME.